Showing 1–15 of 459 results

Solenoids and electromagnets technically are not the same thing, but people talk as if they are. A solenoid is just a coil of wire, but when you run a ...
The use of a static mixer can increase the gas-water mixing rate and increase the amount of gas dissolved in water.
PVDF venturi injector PVDF venturi injector PROFILE This venturi injector is used for mixing gas and liquid. When the liquid flows through the venturi, a certain negative pressure is ...
CTO Carbon block filters are made from activated carbon and its specific function is the chemical adsorption of impurities and contaminants in drinking water.
Granular Activated Carbon is highly effective filtration of water  for certain Chlorine, odor and improve taste.
Sediment filters, as the name suggests, are used to remove excess sediment from water that passes through them. Sediment filters do not remove any chemicals or heavy metals dissolved ...
This sediment filter is for domestic water filtration purposes. It is designed to filter out sediment such as rust , mud and dust particles from the municipality and rain ...
Stringwound sedimentfiltercartridgesarestructuredwith looseouterlayersandtightinnerlayerswhichcanoffertruedepthfiltrationforhighdirtholdingcapacity andextremelylowmediamigrationtoensuretemperatureandchemicalcompatibility.Themainadvantageof thestringwoundfilterisitsexceptionallyhigh structuralstrength;therefore,they can withstandsevereoperating conditions.
CTO Carbon block filters are made from activated carbon and its specific function is the chemical adsorption of impurities and contaminants in drinking water.
Granular Activated Carbon is highly effective filtration of water  for certain Chlorine, odor and improve taste.
Sediment filters, as the name suggests, are used to remove excess sediment from water that passes through them. Sediment filters do not remove any chemicals or heavy metals dissolved ...
This sediment filter is for domestic water filtration purposes. It is designed to filter out sediment such as rust , mud and dust particles from the municipality and rain ...
Thickness: 1.5mm / 0.06″; Keyhole Size: 14 x 9mm / 0.55″ x 0.35″(L*W) Fit Flitter Housing Size: 20″ / 10″ – inch; Color: White Round Hole Diameter: 7mm / ...
Stringwound sedimentfiltercartridgesarestructuredwith looseouterlayersandtightinnerlayerswhichcanoffertruedepthfiltrationforhighdirtholdingcapacity andextremelylowmediamigrationtoensuretemperatureandchemicalcompatibility.Themainadvantageof thestringwoundfilterisitsexceptionallyhigh structuralstrength;therefore,they can withstandsevereoperating conditions.
Activated carbon can filter out residual chlorine and odor, while the activated carbon fibers have a better adsorption effect and longer service life.